Daniel-Jackson Farms is a generational business that we have nurtured over the course of half a century. During that time, our family has grown and we have gathered some of the finest experts in all the different aspects of our farm. Whether raising cattle, pigs, or chicken; mixing the perfect feed blend; cultivating the perfect field for grazing; or producing the finest cuts of meat; having the very best supplies to meet your needs, we strive to be the very best in what we do.

Daniel-Jackson Co-Owners

Sammy Jackson­

Will Daniel 


Daniel-Jackson Meat Processing


T.J. Mayfield, Butcher

Russ Brock, Butcher


Bob Ballenger

Dina Gonzalez

Leah Devere


Taylor Boyd

Peyton Merrill


Daniel-Jackson Feed Mill

Lynn Whaley, Sales

Couch Whitley, Sales

Joan Ledbetter, Sales

Kevin Butler, Custom Feed Blends

Scott Tucker, Custom Feed Blends

Bobby Smith, Forklift operator

Jeff Entrekin, Truck driver,
Fertilizer spreading

Craig Campbell, Truck driver,
Fertilizer spreading

Buddy Turner, Truck driver,
Bulk feed delivery

Daniel-Jackson Cattle Farm


Paul Bell, Cattle

Joe Nolen, Cattle